Tico: The oldest (four-legged) member of Give Us A Voice
This is 17 year old Tico. He is blind in one eye, partially deaf, suffers from arthritis and is too skinny but he is also adorable, lovable and full of spunk. We saw him at an animal shelter in Barcelona and our heart went out to him. No dog deserves to be in a shelter, […]
Gypsy: the dog rescued from street beggars
A few days ago we told you about a little dog that GIVE US A VOICE rescued from street beggars in Luxembourg (see https://www.facebook.com/giveusavoiceletzebuerg/photos/a.1518120708446867.1073741836.1505184473073824/1580545145537756/?type=1&theater). When she was rescued, she was very lethargic – a result of being drugged, her fur was matted and she was horribly frightened. For the first two days all she did […]
The plight of dogs used by street beggars
English – Deutsch – François Anyone who has walked the streets in the capital of Luxembourg has surely seen street beggars with dogs or puppies sleep at their feet. They rock on their knees and beg for money to feed their poor, beloved pets. What you might not realize is that many of these beggars […]
The Best Gift in Life is a Second CHANCE!
(English – Lëtzebuergesch – Français) Dogs have a way of finding their way into your heart, and this little guy was no different. We came upon him on the streets of Romania, terribly skinny, dirty and with a severe eye infection. We decided then and there that this dog was coming with us, we were […]
Care Packages to Spain and France!
Mir hu fir iwwer 1200 euro Medikamenter kaf fir den Asyl “SOS Animal Mallorca” a Spuenien, an den Asyl “Refuge SPA de l’Etang Bleu” a Frankréich. Déiere brauchen des Medikamenter onbedéngt fir kënnen ze iwwerliewen. Ee grousse Merci un all eis Memberen, déi GIVE US A VOICE esou lieweswichteg Aktiounen fir Déieren erméiglechen. Wir haben […]
Blacky from Luxembourg gets help!
Meet sweet and adorable Blacky from Luxembourg. Unfortunately Blacky was owned by someone who should have never been allowed to have a pet in the first place. He was kept in a cage, rarely taken outside and was not properly cared for. Blacky muzzled at all times, not because he was aggressive, but because the […]
Romania is a dynamic country rich in history, arts and scenic beauty. There are plenty of wonderful restaurants, friendly people and stunning landscapes but there is one major problem, the treatment of dogs. Every 25 meters you will see a stray dog, either pregnant, limping, or both, and always dirty and malnourished. It is not […]
Snickers, the three-legged pup finds a loving home!
GIVE US A VOICE could not be more thrilled for Snickers! This little guy was born in an animal shelter in Gran Canaria with only three paws, drastically reducing his chances of finding a forever home. Thankfully, Mr. & Mme. Bichel-Nilles, members of the GIVE US A VOICE committee, decided to open their hearts and […]
Large Food Donation to L’Etang Bleu
Thanks to the generous donations of our members and DOG.lu, Give Us A Voice was able to donate over 450kg of food to L’Etang Bleu in Thierville sur Meuse, France!
Honey finds a home!
Give Us A Voice Vice President, Ralph Meyer, and his new gal pal, Honey. Honey was found roaming the streets of Romania, hungry, scared and in need of some TLC. Thanks to her kind-hearted rescuer, Myriam ‘Heya’ Englaro, Honey was taken to Luxembourg and now has a forever home with her new pop and big brother, […]