
8 Jun, 2016

Spenk gets a new family!

(English – Français) GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to report that Spenk found his forever home. He is a happy little guy, even more so now that he found the Frieseisen family to love him forever! We would like to give a great big THANK YOU to the Frieseisen’s for opening up their home […]

8 Jun, 2016

Stroossemaart in Luxembourg was a smashing success!

(Lëtzebuergesch – English – Deutsch – Français) Die GIVE US A VOICE Familie ist schon wieder gewachsen. In der Tat waren wir mit einem Info-Stand anlässlich des Strassenmarktes in Luxemburg Stadt vertreten. Zahlreiche Tierfreunde haben uns, trotz den sehr schlechten Wetterbedingungen, am Stand besucht und sich über unsere regelmässigen Tierrettungs Aktionen erkundigt. Fazit einer extrem […]

20 May, 2016

Lisa finds a home!

(English – Français) This lovely dog was homeless, wandering the streets of Portugal before she was found by one of our members. With some medical attention and lots of love, Lisa became the adorable and happy dog you see in the picture. Life is getting better and better for Lisa because she just found her forever […]