
31 Jan, 2017

It’s all smiles for Sabih!

GIVE US A VOICE is happy to report that Sabih found his forever home! The Schmit Family was so happy with their first furry adoption, Pinky, that they decided to adopt another one! Sabih was waiting at a shelter in Malta before the Schmit family decided to open up their hearts and their home to […]

27 Jan, 2017

Bobby is officially a Luxemburger!

(Français – English) Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Bobby a trouvé un nouveau foyer pour y passer le reste de ses jours. Bobby attendait sa nouvelle famille dans un abri a Malte. GIVE US A VOICE tient à remercier de tout cœur Famille Steffen qui ont spontanément décidé de donner une seconde chance […]

26 Jan, 2017

Boci hits the jackpot!

GIVE US A VOICE has more happy news- little Boci found his home! This cute little guy was abandoned in the middle of winter in Hungary. Luckily for him, he caught the eye of the Ghys Family. Now Boci has a loving home and a safe and secure future. GIVE US A VOICE would like […]

26 Jan, 2017

Flora Finds a Family!!!

More great news! Little Flora was at a shelter in Hungary before catching the eye of Meireles family who decided to open their hearts and their home to this cutie. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a great big THANK YOU to the Meireles family for giving a shelter dog a second chance […]