
31 Dec, 2014

Help for Sammy!

Give Us A Voice made a donation so that Sammy could continue to get the training and attention he needs with a specialist. Sammy is a beagle that was rescued after spending years in a laboratory. He is learning how to trust humans and most importantly, how to enjoy life. Best wishes, Sammy!Hey, ech sin et, […]

22 Dec, 2014

Argentine court extends human right to freedom to orangutan In an unprecedented decision, an Argentine court has ruled that the Sumatran orangutan ‘Sandra’, who has spent 20 years at the zoo in Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires, should be recognized as a person with a right to freedom. The ruling, signed by the judges unanimously, would see Sandra freed from captivity and transferred to […]

18 Dec, 2014

Arlon Food Donation

E grousse Merci un all eis Memberen, dank Ären Donen konnten mir dem Areler Déierenasyl nees en groussen Fudderdon iwwerreechen. Un grand merci a nos membres, grâce a vos Dons nous avons de nouveau pu faire un Don de nourriture à l’asile d’Arlon. A big thank you to all our members.  With your help we […]

17 Dec, 2014

Help is on the way!

Déi Verantwortlech vu Give Us A Voice soen dem Veterinär Carlo Manderscheid villmols Merci fir seng Hëllef. Mir hu fir iwwer 1200 euro Medikamenter kaf fir den Asyl “Association for Abandoned Animals” zu Malta, an den Asyl “Sociedad Protectora de Animales Anahi” zu Gran Canaria a Spuenien. Déiere brauchen des Medikamenter onbedéngt fir kënnen ze iwwerliewen. Ee grousse […]