Welcome Home Alma!!!
We are happy to announce the safe arrival of Alma from Sociedad Protectora de Animales Anahi in Gran Canaria, Spain. She arrived late last night, sleepy but happy, to a warm welcoming committee. She was even greeted by her old dog shelter neighbor, Arte, and his new family! We would like to thank the wonderful […]
Update: Alma is coming to Luxembourg!
When Alma was found on the street, she was severely dehydrated, skinny and had a huge chain fixed on her neck. Upon being rescued, she collapsed from exhaustion and malnourishment. She was taken to the Anahi animal shelter where they cut off the enormous chain around her neck and gave her the nourishment she so […]
Arte finds a home!
After waiting 5 long years, Arte has found a home! A few months ago we told you about Arte from Gran Canaria. Arte was found on the streets as a three month old puppy. He had been hit by a car and his back leg was badly broken. Volunteers from Anahi Sociedad Protectora de Animales […]
Louis the Cat: A Happy Tail
Louis, a shy but very sweet cat has found a new home! Poor, homeless Louis was wandering around the streets of Imbringen and found himself on the terrace of Ms. Birtz. Ms. Birtz took one look at Louis and decided that he needed help. She contacted Give Us A Voice where they advised her to […]
Help for Sammy!
Give Us A Voice made a donation so that Sammy could continue to get the training and attention he needs with a specialist. Sammy is a beagle that was rescued after spending years in a laboratory. He is learning how to trust humans and most importantly, how to enjoy life. Best wishes, Sammy!Hey, ech sin et, […]
Update: Alma, the pondenco from Gran Canaria
A few weeks ago we told you about Alma, the sweet podenco from Gran Canaria who was in serious need of medical attention. Alma immediately set up a place in the heart of Give Us A Voice president, Daniel Frères, who decided to personally fund the live-saving operations needed to get this poor dog healthy. […]
Argentine court extends human right to freedom to orangutan
http://rt.com/news/216551-orangutan-argentina-human-right/ In an unprecedented decision, an Argentine court has ruled that the Sumatran orangutan ‘Sandra’, who has spent 20 years at the zoo in Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires, should be recognized as a person with a right to freedom. The ruling, signed by the judges unanimously, would see Sandra freed from captivity and transferred to […]
Radio ARA: Interview mam Give Us A Voice asbl Luxembourg
http://podcast.ara.lu/blog/2014/12/19/bistro-interview-mam-give-us-a-voice-asbl-luxembourg/ Radio ARA podcast
Arlon Food Donation
E grousse Merci un all eis Memberen, dank Ären Donen konnten mir dem Areler Déierenasyl nees en groussen Fudderdon iwwerreechen. Un grand merci a nos membres, grâce a vos Dons nous avons de nouveau pu faire un Don de nourriture à l’asile d’Arlon. A big thank you to all our members. With your help we […]
Help is on the way!
Déi Verantwortlech vu Give Us A Voice soen dem Veterinär Carlo Manderscheid villmols Merci fir seng Hëllef. Mir hu fir iwwer 1200 euro Medikamenter kaf fir den Asyl “Association for Abandoned Animals” zu Malta, an den Asyl “Sociedad Protectora de Animales Anahi” zu Gran Canaria a Spuenien. Déiere brauchen des Medikamenter onbedéngt fir kënnen ze iwwerliewen. Ee grousse […]