Thank you from Association for Abandoned Animals, Malta
Give Us A Voice received this nice message from AAA Malta yesterday that we wanted to share with our members. Without you, your generous donations and love of animals, this wouldn’t be possible. Together we are making a difference!
Balou: I once was lost, but now I’m found!
On May 15th, a cat was found in the cellar of an abandoned house. It was scared, terribly skinny and so happy to be found. It turns out that this cat was named Balou, he had been missing for 5 weeks and his family was heartbroken. Thanks to the network of the Give Us A […]
Twist and Fonzi – 2 furry new Luxembourgers!
(English –Français – Deutsch) The Give Us A Voice family continues to grow! These two adorable and furry boys arrived from Gran Canaria, Spain to meet their new parents and start their lives in Luxembourg. We would like to extend a big thank you to Michaela Mulzer-Engelhard for caring for these two puppies until they […]
Why you should adopt an older dog!
(English – Français – Deutsch) Why should you adopt an older dog? Older dogs generally have had some training, both in obedience and house manners. Older dogs have learned what “no” means and how to leave the furniture, carpets, shoes, and other “chewables” alone. They have been “socialized” and learned what it takes to be […]
Tierquäler in der Türkei zu festem Gefängnis verurteilt!
(Deutsch – Français – English) Tierquäler in der Türkei zu festem Gefängnis verurteilt! Erstmals in der Geschichte verurteilte ein türkisches Gericht einen 21- jährigen Jugendlichen wegen grausamer Tierquälerei zu einer festen Gefängnisstrafe. Das Gericht begründete die drastische Strafe damit dass die Tat des 21 jährigen dermassen grausam war, dass die Strafe nicht in eine Geldstrafe […]
Update on Tico: The Old Man from Barcelona
(English – Français – Deutsch) Update from Tico! Tico, the 17 year old rescue dog from Barcelona is adjusting to his new home in Luxembourg just fine. He loves getting his chin rubbed, laying on the grass on sunny days, and snuggling on his soft bed. He as only been with us a few short […]
Man Punished for Abusing Dog (Deutsch – English) DÉIREQUÄLEREIEN ASS KEE KAVALÉIERSDELIKT Verurteilt weil er seinen Hund mit Faustschlägen gequält hat! Ein 44 jähriger Einwohner aus Lüttich wurde vom Strafgericht Lüttich am Dienstag zu einer Gefängnisstrafe von 5 Monaten mit Bewährung sowie einer Geldstrafe von 180€ verurteilt wegen schwerer Misshandlung von Tieren. Dieser „Mensch“ schlug den armen Labrador regelmäßig […]
1st of May in Remich: Konscht- an Hobby-Maart
1 Mai Merci Villmols un all Déierefrënn déi Ons besiche komm sen. 1 Mai Grand Merci à tout ceux qui sont venus nous visiter smile emoticon Thank you to all of our fellow animal lovers who came to visit us at the Konscht & Hobby mart in Remich!
Update on Blacky
Last month we told you the story of Blacky. He was kept in a cage and muzzled to keep him from barking. The muzzle was on for so long that he developed abrasions all around his mouth. A good Samaritan contacted Give Us A Voice about the plight of Blacky and after a long fight […]
and Gypsy lives happily ever after…
Goodbye, Gypsy! Give Us A Voice is happy to announce that Gypsy has found her forever home. We are sad to see this lovely girl go but we know she is going to a wonderful home filled with lots of love. We would like to thank Mr. & Mme. Schartz-Beck and Rocky for opening up […]