Luxembourg Christmas Market a Success!
Merci Villmols un all Déierefrënn déi Ons besiche komm sen ! Grand Merci à tout ceux qui sont venus nous visiter ! Thank you to all of our fellow animal lovers who came to visit us yesterday!
Cali from Romania finds paradise in Luxembourg!
(English – Français) GIVE US A VOICE is happy to report that sweet Cali found his forever home! A big THANK YOU to Mr. Rick Lickes for giving this sweet little boy from Romania a second chance. We wish you two all the happiness in the world! Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Cali […]
Gaetano – from unwanted to adored!
(English – Deutsch – Français) GIVE US A VOICE is happy to announce that Gaetano found his forever home! We would like to give a heartfelt THANK YOU to the Figueira Family who decided to give a shelter dog from Malta a second chance at life. We know he is in great hands and is […]
Here Kitty, Kitty!
Congratulations to the Jeger family and their new, fluffy and oh-so-adorable addition! Thank you for choosing to adopt, not shop! 🙂
Horay for Marlon and his new, FOREVER home!
(English – Deutsch – Français) GIVE US A VOICE is happy to announce that Marlon found his forever home. We would like to give a heartfelt THANK YOU to the Binfaré Family who decided to give a shelter dog from Malta a second chance at life. We know he is in great hands and is […]
From foster pup to forever pup in less than a day!
(English – Français – Deutsch) I think it took less than four hours for Pinky’s foster family to fall in love and decide to adopt her forever! GIVE US A VOICE is so happy this lovely little girl found her home. We would like to give a great big THANK YOU to Mr. & Mme. […]
If 1 is good, 2 is better! Belle and Chanel find their forever home, together!
(English – Deutsch – Français) Chanel’s new family decided they had extra love to give and came back to adopt her sister Belle! We are thrilled for these two puppies and their incredible change of fortune. They were found as day old puppies in a box in Romania and now they are living the good […]
SMILE: He’s old, he’s blind, HE ADOPTED! Hooray!
(English – Deutsch – Français) Poor, blind Smile was found wandering the streets of France. At almost 13 years old the authorities wanted to put him to sleep. Fortunately the kind folks at the shelter wouldn’t allow it and now Smile has found his forever home. A big thank you to Mme. Hertert for giving […]
Luca becomes a Luxembourger!
(Lëtzebuergesch – English – Deutsch – Français) GIVE US A VOICE huet nees eng « Happy-ending » Geschicht ze deelen. Gëschter Owend ass d’Luca aus engem Déierenasyl aus Spuenien zu Lëtzebuerg ukomm fir säin néit Doheem kennen ze léieren esou wéi seng nei Mamm d’Madame Denise Mischenkoff. Schlussendlech eise grousse Merci un d’Madame Mischenkoff, déi […]
Koulie: Old dog finally has his day!
(English – Deustch – Français) They say that every dog has his day and today was definitely Koulie’s day! When Koulie’s owner died, the family didn’t want to take care of him so they tossed him out on the street. He was brought to a shelter where he spent over a year in sad desperation. […]