Category Archives: "Happy Tails"

29 Mar, 2018

Buci Buci finds a family!

Three cheers for Buci Buci! This lovely girl was waiting at a shelter in Bosnia before catching the eye of the Auburtin family. Now Buci Buci has a home, a loving family and a wonderful future. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to the Auburtin family for deciding to […]

14 Mar, 2018

Lily finds a family!

GIVE US A VOICE is happy to announce that Lily found her forever home. The blue-eyed beauty was waiting at a shelter in Bosnia when she caught the eye of the Bartzen family. Lily now has a home to call her own with people to love her for the rest of her days. We would […]

22 Feb, 2018

Oscar finds a home!

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Oscar a trouvé un nouveau foyer pour y passer le reste de ses jours. Oscar attendait sa nouvelle famille dans un abri a Malte. GIVE US A VOICE tient à remercier de tout cœur Mme. Nedog Leme E Silva. Nous sommes persuadés que Oscar sera en de bonnes mains […]

6 Feb, 2018

Billie finds a family!

GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to announce that Billie (formerly Big Ears) has found her forever home. She was waiting and waiting and waiting for a second chance at a shelter in Bosnia when the Derengowski family decided to welcome her into their home. Billie joins Filip, another adorable rescue dog, this one from […]