Five more dogs from the Romanian kill shelter find new families!
GIVE US A VOICE started the week off with a bang: five dogs from the Romanian kill shelter got to go home with their new families! We are so excited that these dogs found such wonderful people to give them a second chance. For the first time ever, these five dogs will know what it […]
Snowy and Brownie find a home…together!
GIVE US A VOICE is happy to announce that Brownie and Snowy found their forever family. These two boys came all the way from a shelter Malta to find the Meunier family! We are so happy that these two boys got to stay together and that they found such a wonderful home. We want to […]
Oscar: Before & After
Oscar had the saddest look in his eyes when he was at the kill shelter in Romania. The poor thing seemed to have given up all hope. Today, Oscar has a wonderful family where he is loved to pieces. The light returned to his eyes and love returned to his heart. A big THANK YOU […]
Kaio – now a totally different dog!
Kaio (formerly Panda) was one of the most terrified puppies we have ever come across. He wouldn’t let anyone get near him and if someone did, they could expect to get bit. Just by looking into his eyes, you can tell that he was scared senseless. We knew that there was no way anyone would […]
Luxembourg Braderie September 5, 2016
It was a great day yesterday for GIVE US A VOICE at the Braderie in Luxembourg town. We got over 120 new members, saw old friends and made new ones. A big thank you to everyone who came out to visit us! We want to give a special thank you to Minister Etgen for stopping […]
Oh the places you’ll go!
Wonderful to think that these dogs went from being unwanted in a shelter to part of a family and on vacation! GIVE US A VOICE dogs have travelled all the way to Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and beyond. These are lucky dogs whose dreams truly have come true!
Josie finds a loving home!
GIVE US A VOICE is over the moon with joy because Josie found her forever home! This lucky dog just joined the Hames-Sowa family where we know she is going to get all the love and attention she deserves. We would like to give a great big THANK YOU to the Hames-Sowa family for giving […]
Dog in Niederkuer
Dëst gesin zu Niederkuer, een Hond deen op engstem Raum 24/24hrs säit 14 Deeg alleng dobausse sëtzt, bei extrem warm Temperatueren, ewéi och am Reen. Eemol am Daag kennt eng Persoun dem Hond ee bessen Fudder brengen, den Hond huet awer kee Auslaaf. D’Besëzter vum Hond sinn zënter 3 Wochen an der Vakanz. GIVE US […]
Kill Shelters in Europe
(Français – Deutsch – English) L’Europe et ses camps de morts en Roumanie, Espagne et Hongrie Apathique, amaigri, hurlant, gémissant! Ces quatre mots réflectent parfaitement l’état d’âme des pauvres créatures, condamnées à passer le restant de leur existence dans cet affreux pénitencier en attendant leur exécution! Avec ces camps, l’homme créa l’enfer sur terre pour […]
Lucky number 13! From the kill shelter to forever homes!
The last 2 days have been quite busy and exciting for GIVE US A VOICE – 13 dogs from the Romanian kill shelter got to go home with their new families. All of these dogs were saved from certain death by these wonderful people. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a great big […]