Flugpaten Gesucht! Become a Flight Escort!
Did you hear the story about the wild pig and the cow?
GIVE US A VOICE is happy to report that two more animals found their forever home. Noël is a bull that was on his way to slaughter in the back of a truck. He somehow managed to break free and, incredibly, walked to the gates of the animal rescue organization. He is now going to […]
Un Grand Merci à e Michel Rodange!
(Français – Deutsch – English) Un Grand Merci à Mme Galli Sandra et ses étudiants de la classe Option Bénévolat 2e du Lycée Michel Rodange. Le Président Daniel FRERES ainsi que tous les membres du Conseil d’Administration de GIVE US A VOICE asbl sont très honorés de votre initiative et vous en remercions vivement en […]
Food Donation made to SPA Sarrebourg!
Un Grand Merci à SOS Animaux et à nos Membres pour ce Don de Nourriture qu’on a pu donner à la SPA de Saarebourg. Ensemble, nous faisons une différence! Thanks to a generous donation from SOS Animal and members of GIVE US A VOICE, we were able to make a large food donation to SPA […]
Another Case of Animal Cruelty in Luxembourg City
An erëm e Fall vun Déierenquälerei! Et get endlech Zäit datt d’Déiereschutzgesetz geännert get!! Again, more animal abuse in our country! It is time that we change laws regarding the treatment of animals! Over the weekend, a concerned citizen called GIVE US A VOICE about a gypsy street beggar who had a dog that was […]
Budidu: From a shelter in Malta to the Good Life in Luxembourg!
(English – Deutsch – Français) Another life saved! GIVE US A VOICE is happy to announce that BUDIDU finally found his forever home. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a heartfelt THANK YOU to Mr. and Mrs. Ries-Trierweiler who decided to give a shelter dog from Malta a second chance at life. We […]
RTL – Suivi: 17 Hënn an der Hëtz am Camion sech selwer iwwerlos
http://tele.rtl.lu/emissiounen/top-thema-magazin/3043573.html Déiereschützer ware schockéiert, wéi se Braderieméindeg bei décker Hëtzt 17 Muppen aus engem Camion gerett hunn. Elo kruten déi schëlleg Handler Déieren zréck. Responsabel fir den Zoustand vun den Déieren waren zwee Osteuropäer déi den Dag virdrun nach e puer vun de Muppen op der internationaler Hondsäusstellung um Kierchbierg virgestallt haten. Wéi ass et […]
Wenzu, Darlene and Beano all find their happy ever afters!
(English – Français – Deutsch) It was a happy weekend in Luxembourg as three families grew by one more! Mr. & Mme. Caillol gave a street dog a second chance and welcomed Wenzu into their home. Darlene, the 8 year old Cocker Spaniel was lucky to find a wonderful home with the Scholter family. And […]
Yumi’s life gets sweeter!
GIVE US A VOICE is happy to report that sweet Yumi found her forever home today! A big THANK YOU to Mme. Gillen for giving this sweet little girl from Malta a second chance. We wish you two all the happiness in the world! Encore une vie sauvée par GIVE US A VOICE! Nous sommes […]