Category Archives: "Dogs"

10 Aug, 2017

Fiji finds a home!

(Français – English) Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Fiji a trouvé un nouveau foyer pour y passer le reste de ses jours. Fiji attendait sa nouvelle famille dans un abri a Malte. GIVE US A VOICE tient à remercier de tout cœur Famille Bausch qui ont spontanément décidé de donner une seconde chance […]

8 Aug, 2017

Fioco is finally adopted!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news: Fioco is finally adopted! Fioco was brought to our attention when one of our members contacted GIVE US A VOICE to let us know about an advertisement for a free dog. It turns out that Fioco’s former owner was going on vacation and didn’t want to deal with […]

3 Aug, 2017

Misty hits the jackpot!

Hooray for Misty! This little cutie was waiting at a shelter in Malta when the Raach family decided to give her a second chance. Now Misty has a loving family where she gets everything she needs and more. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big thank you to the Raach family for […]

2 Aug, 2017

Lady gets lucky!

The adorable Lady has been adopted! This pretty girl found herself without a home when she caught the eye of the Ast family. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mr. Joé Ast for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Lady is going to have a wonderful […]

11 Jul, 2017

Mesi finds love!

A few months ago we posted a picture of little Mesi. She was living on the streets of Hungary, struggling to find food for herself and her puppy. One day she was found badly injured on the side of the road, hit by a car and left for dead. An animal lover brought her to […]