Month: June 2024

20 Jun, 2024

Elsa’s heart unfreezes in her new home!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Elsa is adopted! This lovely little dog hit the jackpot when she was adopted by the Christnach family. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to this wonderful family for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Elsa is living the doggie dream […]

19 Jun, 2024

Life is no longer “ruff” for Rubio!

GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to report that Rubio is adopted! This handsome boy had spent practically his whole life in a shelter in Romania before being adopted by the amazing Wenner-Seyler family. Now Rubio has a soft bed and yummy food, gets to go on amazing adventures and, most importantly, has a loving […]

17 Jun, 2024

Snoopy comes back to life

We have AMAZING news to share: Snoopy is adopted!!! We are thrilled when any dog gets adopted but every now and then one just tugs at our hearts a little harder. Snoopy was found on the streets of Malta after he had been shot. His poor little body was riddled with bullets and he was […]

14 Jun, 2024

Kimba is King!

GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to announce that Kimba is adopted! This little guy hit the jackpot when he was adopted by the lovely Schmitz family. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to this wonderful family for deciding to adopt and not shop. We are so happy Kimba is getting a […]

13 Jun, 2024

Its a LUNA-r landing in a lovely home!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Luna is adopted! This lovely girl was abandoned at the shelter before catching the eye of the wonderful Pinto family. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to this big-hearted family for giving Luna a second chance at happiness. We know she is in […]

12 Jun, 2024

Hazel and Rhonda – together forever!

GIVE US A VOICE has amazing news: Hazel and Rhonda are adopted!!! These two sisters were found in Romania on the side of a busy road before being brought to a shelter. The two were so attached but the shelter made the hard decision to try adopt them separately since it was hard enough to […]

11 Jun, 2024

Big win for Bambi!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Bambi is adopted! This lovely little guy hit the jackpot when he was adopted by the lovely Berg Family. We would like to give Mr. & Mme. Berg a big THANK YOU for, once again, deciding to adopt and not shop. Bambi joins Apple, also adopted […]

10 Jun, 2024

Aaron get a 2nd chance at life!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Aaron is adopted! We would like to give a big THANK YOU to the wonderful Delmarko family for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Aaron is living the doggie dream and can look forward to a lifetime of love and happiness! Hooray for Aaron!

7 Jun, 2024

Life is A-OK for Arthur!

GIVE US A VOICE is pleased to announce that Arthur is adopted! This pretty kitty was lucky enough to find a home with Mme. Caroline Lieffrig. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mme. Lieffrig for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Arthur is living the good life and can […]

6 Jun, 2024

Spyky feels the love!

Great news: Spyky is adopted! This sweet little guy hit the jackpot when he was adopted by the Seil family. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to this wonderful family for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Spyky is living the doggie dream and can look forward […]