Snoopy comes back to life

17 Jun, 2024

Snoopy comes back to life

We have AMAZING news to share: Snoopy is adopted!!! We are thrilled when any dog gets adopted but every now and then one just tugs at our hearts a little harder. Snoopy was found on the streets of Malta after he had been shot. His poor little body was riddled with bullets and he was half dead. To make matters worse, when he was recovering from his injuries, he was attacked by another dog and required even more medical attention. We knew we had to do something so we decided to get Snoopy out of the shelter and bring him to Luxembourg. We found Snoopy the most amazing foster home where we knew his body and heart could heal. After just a short time, Snoopy came back to life. He was no longer the terrified and traumatized dog that we first met. We knew that this was thanks to his amazing foster family – and we also knew he was in the perfect home. We crossed all our fingers and toes that his foster family would fall in love with Snoopy as much as he had fallen in love with them. Well, our prayers were answered when we got the news that Snoopy wasn’t going anywhere . . . because he was HOME! Foster to forever!!! GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a huge THANK YOU to Mme. Andréa Havenne for giving Snoopy the life and love he deserves. This is not the first dog in desperate need that Mme. Havenne has adopted from our association and we could not be more grateful. We know Snoopy is loving his new life and his amazing family, including his little fur buddy, Flicka. A MILLION THANKS to Mme. Havenne!