Animal neglect in the North!
(Lëtzebuergesch –Français – English) Gëschter Mëtteg waren déi Responsabel vu GIVE US A VOICE am Norden vum Land wou dës traureg Biller entstane sinn. En Hond, komplett verfilzt, sëtzend an engem Käfeg voller Exkrementer, ouni Waasser, ouni Fudder, an engem miserabelen Zoustand. Ausserdem stinn 2 Ieselen ( Mamm an hiert Klengt) total vernoléissegt op enger […]
Oscar – short on hair, big on love!
(English – Français) Oscar, the funny little man from Spain, has found his forever home! GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a great big THANK YOU to the Stein family for deciding to give a shelter dog a second chance at life. We know he is in great hands and we can’t wait […]
GIVE US A VOICE goes to school!
(English – Lëtzebuergesch –Français) Today GIVE US A VOICE was invited to Mr. Kolbet’s cycle 2.1 class in Kehlen to give a presentation to pupils about what we do and what they can do to prevent animal abuse. Interested pupils in the class of Mr. Gilles Kolbet took part in this little impromptu […]
Snoop graduates from foster home to forever home!
(English – Français) GIVE US A VOICE is happy to report that Snoop finally found his forever home. We would like to give the Weis family a big THANK YOU for deciding to give a second chance to a shelter dog from Malta. We know he is going to have a wonderful life with you! […]
Lovely little Louise finds her home!
(English – Deutsch – Français) Little Louise from Malta has found her forever home! GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a great big THANK YOU to Mme. Reid for deciding to give a shelter dog a second chance at life. We know she is in great hands and is going to have a […]
Pug Life
(English – Deutsch – Français) GIVE US A VOICE is happy to announce that Sumo found his forever home! We would like to give a heartfelt THANK YOU to the Peffer Family who decided to give a shelter dog from Malta a second chance at life. We know he is in great hands and is […]
Putzi finds a home in record time!
(English – Français) It didn’t take long for the adorable, little Putzi to find his forever home. It was love at first sight for Mme. Caroline Oliger and Mr. Frèdèric Oldrizzi and we couldn’t be more happy for them. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mme. […]
Enrique meets the Peffers!
(English – Français) The awesome Mme. Pepin was not only a flight companion for Emma but for Enrique as well. Enrique was waiting at a shelter in Spain when the Peffer family decided to adopt him and welcome him to the family. It’s smiles all around for this lucky dog and his new, wonderful family. […]
Hier kämpft “GIVE US A VOICE” für vernachlässigte Kühe – Privat, June 10, 2016
Adorable and adopted: Emma finds a home!
(English – Français) We are pleased to announce that Emma has found a new home to spend the rest of her days. Emma was waiting for his new family in a shelter in Spain. GIVE US A VOICE would like to thank the Muller family with all our heart for decided to give a second […]