Romanian puppies get a chance at life in Luxembourg!!!
We are thrilled to report that all these puppies got a second chance at life because of these wonderful families. These puppies were waiting at a shelter in Romania when these families decided to open up their hearts and their homes. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to all […]
(Français – Lëtzebuergesch – English) APPEL VIBRANT Ã TOU(TE)S LES AMI(E)S D’ANIMAUX Le soi-disant artiste conceptuel Wim DELVOYE expose actuellement au MUDAM. Au focus de son exposition sont des porcs empaillés qui ont été, de leur vivant, tatoués sous anesthésie par Monsieur Delvoye aux fins d’être exposés après leur mort naturelle. Chacun qui s’est fait […]
Snoop Doggie Dog finds a family!
GIVE US A VOICE is happy to report that Snoop found his forever home. He is now a proud new member of the Steux family where he is getting all the love and attention he needs. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to the Steux family for deciding to adopt and not […]
Here kitty, kitty – you got a new home!
GIVE US A VOICE is happy to report that Tommy found his forever home. He joined the Cortolezzis-Heiderscheid family where he is getting all the love and attention he needs. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mr. & Mme. Cortolezzis-Heiderscheid for giving Tommy a second chance. We wish you all the […]
GIVE US A VOICE visits Classe 6 in Bascharage
(English –Français) Today GIVE US A VOICE was invited to Mme. Kirsch’s cycle 6 class in Bascharage to give a presentation to pupils about what we do. Interested students took part in this little impromptu meeting and had a chance to talk and ask questions to the president of our association. Our purpose is to […]
Ozana becomes a Goudenbour!
We are pleased to announce that Ozana has found a new home to spend the rest of her days. Ozana waiting for her new family at a shelter in Romania before catching the eye of the Goudenbour family. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a great big THANK YOU to the Goudenbour’s who […]
Our old Chico hits the jackpot!
It happened, our old, sweet Chico is adopted! It took a while but finally someone saw what we already knew, Chico is a lovely boy who deserves a second chance. GIVE US A VOICE is so thrilled for Chico who made it out of the Romanian kill shelter – he finally gets to know what […]
Batty goes batty for her new home!
Hooray for Batty ! GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled for this little dog who travelled all the way from Malta to join the Mostart family. We know she is in great hands and is going to have a wonderful life. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a great big THANK YOU to the […]
One-eyed Cordelea gets a new family with the one-eyed Blister!
Sweet little Cordeliea, the one-eyed cutie from Malta, has found the perfect home! Cordelea joined the Gollackner family where she has a new fur-brother Blister, also a one-eyed dog! Put them together and they have perfect vision. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a great big THANK YOU to the Gollackner family for […]
Isabela finds a family!
Little Isabela has found her forever home and GIVE US A VOICE could not be happier ! We would like to give a big THANK YOU to the Marques family for giving a shelter dog from Romania a second chance. We wish you all the best! Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Isabelaa trouvé un […]