Hazel and Rhonda – together forever!

12 Jun, 2024

Hazel and Rhonda – together forever!

GIVE US A VOICE has amazing news: Hazel and Rhonda are adopted!!! These two sisters were found in Romania on the side of a busy road before being brought to a shelter. The two were so attached but the shelter made the hard decision to try adopt them separately since it was hard enough to find a home for one dog, let alone two. Time when on and there was no interest in either of these lovely dogs. Then one day, Mme. Bouschet, a big-hearted animal friend, decided to adopt Hazel. When she learned that Hazel had a sister, she immediately decided to adopt her too so they wouldn’t have to be separated. Our hearts are bursting with joy for Hazel and Rhonda because we know they are getting an amazing home and get to stay together. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a million THANK YOUS to Mme. Bouschet for giving two more dogs in need a save space to live and be loved. HOORAY for Hazel and Rhonda!