Jenny and Letti: double the trouble, double the fun!
GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to announce that Letti and Jenny are adopted! These two pretty kitties were rescued off the streets of Romania and now live in the loving home of Mr. Osvaldo De Donà. We would like to give Mr. De Donà a big THANK YOU for giving these two girls a […]
Bianca gets the chance of a lifetime!
We have great news to share: Bianca is adopted! Bianca ended up in the shelter after her owner was evicted and could no longer keep her. Thankfully, Bianca got the second chance of a lifetime when she captured the eye and the heart of Mme. Anita Weinzaepfel who welcomed her home with open arms. This […]
Do you know Bruno?!
Great news to report: Bruno is adopted! Bruno came from an abusive home where he was neglected and starved. He had a flea infection so bad that much of his fur was missing. Thankfully he was removed from that situation and is now in an amazing, forever home. GIVE US A VOICE would like to […]
Champ wins at life!
GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Champ is adopted! Champ ended up in a shelter after his owner died. The rest of the family decided they didn’t want to the dog so, after 8 years, Champ was abandoned, alone and confused. Thankfully he captured the eye and the heart of the Vandenbosch […]
Ollie is feelin’ jolly!
Great news to report: Ollie is adopted! This little guy was abandoned to the shelter at 9 years old. Thankfully he captured the eye and the heart of Mme. Pascale Hilgert who welcomed him home with open arms. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mme. Hilgert for deciding […]
Mara hits the jackpot
GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Mara is adopted! This sweet girl was taken out of an abusive home here in Luxembourg. Despite the bad treatment, she is a lovely and happy girl and we managed to find her a wonderful foster home. It didn’t take long for her foster home to […]
Everyone loves Karaoke!
GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Karaoke is adopted! Karaoke lived his life on a short chain in Hungary before being rescued. Thankfully he captured the eye and the heart of Ms. Julie Iordache who decided to welcome him home with opens arms. We would like to give a big THANK YOU […]
Three cheers for Blackie!!!
Great news: Blackie is adopted! The lovely little guy was abandoned at the shelter before finding his one true forever home. Thankfully, he given a second chance by Mme. Anita Reinesch-Merkes who welcomed him home with open arms. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mme. Reinesch-Merkes for deciding […]
A MATCHa made in heaven!
GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Matcha is adopted! This little cutie hit the jackpot when she found a forever home with Ms. Mehves Kouris. We would like to give Ms. Kouris a big THANK YOU for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Matcha can look forward to a lifetime […]
Life is coming up roses for Selina
GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to announce that Selina is adopted! This little girl started off as a foster dog, then she quickly became a “foster failure” and a full-fledged member of the Kaufmann family! We would like to give this amazing family a big THANK YOU for deciding to adopt and not shop. […]