Category Archives: "Dogs"

10 Aug, 2017

Fiji finds a home!

(Français – English) Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Fiji a trouvé un nouveau foyer pour y passer le reste de ses jours. Fiji attendait sa nouvelle famille dans un abri a Malte. GIVE US A VOICE tient à remercier de tout cœur Famille Bausch qui ont spontanément décidé de donner une seconde chance […]

8 Aug, 2017

Fioco is finally adopted!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news: Fioco is finally adopted! Fioco was brought to our attention when one of our members contacted GIVE US A VOICE to let us know about an advertisement for a free dog. It turns out that Fioco’s former owner was going on vacation and didn’t want to deal with […]

3 Aug, 2017

Misty hits the jackpot!

Hooray for Misty! This little cutie was waiting at a shelter in Malta when the Raach family decided to give her a second chance. Now Misty has a loving family where she gets everything she needs and more. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big thank you to the Raach family for […]

2 Aug, 2017

Lady gets lucky!

The adorable Lady has been adopted! This pretty girl found herself without a home when she caught the eye of the Ast family. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mr. Joé Ast for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Lady is going to have a wonderful […]