
About: giveusavoice

Recent Posts by giveusavoice

19 Jan, 2022

Pepper gets the sweet life!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Pepper is adopted! This handsome boy was abandoned on the street before capturing the eye and the heart of Caballero family. We would like to give a huge THANK YOU to this big-hearted family for deciding to adopt and not shop. Pepper now has a wonderful […]

17 Jan, 2022

Flep and Willi find a home TOGETHER!

GIVE US A VOICE is happy to report that Flep and Willi are adopted! These two lovely kittens are now living the good life with Ms. Marcia Rollinger. We would like to give Ms. Rollinger a huge THANK YOU for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Flep and Willi can look forward to […]

13 Jan, 2022

A brand new life for Sweety!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Sweety is adopted! This little guy really got the second chance of a lifetime. He originally came from Hungary where he had an owner that worked far away from home and would leave Sweety locked in the house for days at a time with just a […]

12 Jan, 2022

Chami strikes gold!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Chami is adopted! This little cutie was waiting at a Hungarian dog shelter before getting a second chance. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to the wonderful Wagener family for deciding to adopt and not shop and for giving this sweet girl a […]

10 Jan, 2022

Hooray for Bebé!

Guess what? Little Bebé is adopted! Poor little Bebé was abandoned on the street after her former owner decided they didn’t want her anymore. Fortunately, her luck changed when she caught the eye of Mme. Jacqueline Dagniesse who decided to give her a second chance and welcomed her home with open arms. GIVE US A […]

6 Jan, 2022

One-Eyed Jimmy, Sunny and Roky hit the jackpot!

GIVE US A VOICE has some wonderful news: One-Eyed Jimmy, Sunny and Roky, abandoned kittens found on the streets of Romania, are all adopted…together…and by the Vice-President of our association! We would like to give Mme. Chris Nilles a big THANK YOU for giving these three lucky cats a loving home. We know they are […]

5 Jan, 2022

A Second Chance for Ginger!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: GINGER IS ADOPTED! This sweet boy was abandoned on the streets of Romania. One of our amazing volunteers rescued him and gave him shelter until he could find a forever home. We are proud to report that Ginger captured the eye and the heart of Mme. […]

14 Dec, 2021

Noah wins at life!

  Guess who has a new home … Noah! This lovely guy was confiscated by animal welfare before ending up in a shelter.  Luck shined down on him when he caught the eye of Mlle. Isis Kenthin who decided to open up her heart and her home to this dog in need. Noah now gets […]

13 Dec, 2021

Life is bliss for Kris!

GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to announce that Kris is adopted! This lovely boy caught the attention of the Gonçalves-Camilo family and now his world is forever changed. Kris went from sharing a kennel in a loud and crowded shelter to a living in a warm and loving home. We would like to give […]

1 Dec, 2021

Here we go, Lilo!

  GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to report that Lilo is adopted! This little pup was abandoned with his siblings when they are tiny babies. Thankfully they were rescued, cared for and then Lilo got a wonderful chance – he found a home! We would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mr. […]

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