
About: giveusavoice

Recent Posts by giveusavoice

1 Dec, 2021

Here we go, Lilo!

  GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to report that Lilo is adopted! This little pup was abandoned with his siblings when they are tiny babies. Thankfully they were rescued, cared for and then Lilo got a wonderful chance – he found a home! We would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mr. […]

30 Nov, 2021

A whole LOTTA love!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Lotta is adopted! This little cutie was abandoned with her siblings at a shelter. Fortunately, Lotta caught the eye of the wonderful Valentin Wusterhaus who decided to welcome her home with open arms. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to Valentin for deciding […]

29 Nov, 2021

Benny finds love!

Some amazing news to start the week: Benny is adopted! This lovely boy came all the way from Malta to find his forever home. GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mme. Joyce Diogo for giving Benny a second chance at happiness. We know Benny can look forward to […]

25 Nov, 2021

Hip hip hooray for Emilie!

GIVE US A VOICE is proud to announce Emilie is adopted! This little cutie was abandoned on the streets after 8 years in a home. She got a wonderful second chance when Mme. Cathy Cambier decided to give her a second chance. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mme. Cambier for […]

24 Nov, 2021

Lincoln finally gets his chance to shine!

GIVE US A VOICE has amazing news to report: LINCOLN IS ADOPTED!!!! Lincoln was found after he had been shot in the leg and left to bake in the hot sun for days. He was brought to the shelter where they found his wound was so infected that it was crawling with maggots. The wonderful […]

18 Nov, 2021

A big WIN-WIN for TIN-TIN!

GIVE US A VOICE has great news to report: Tin-Tin is adopted! This cutie came all the way from Bosnia, where he was stuck in a shelter. He was passed over time and time again because of his color and the fact that he only has 3 legs. Tin-Tin got the chance of a lifetime […]

16 Nov, 2021

A whole new life for Tony!

We have amazing news to report: Tony is adopted! We are so happy this lovely boy is finally getting the wonderful life he deserves.  For over 8 years he lived on a short chain that was attached to a fence in Hungary. He was used as a guard dog on a farm. As time went […]

15 Nov, 2021

Jacky gets lucky the second time around!

  GIVE US A VOICE is proud to announce that Jacky is adopted! This little cutie was abandoned at a shelter when he was just a puppy as an unwanted pet. Thankfully for Jacky, Mme. Josée Wegé came along and welcomed Jacky into her home with open arms and a lot of love. We would […]

11 Nov, 2021

Tequila gets a second shot!

  GIVE US A VOICE has great news: Tequila is adopted! We would like to give a big THANK YOU to the big-hearted Mme. Elaine Klein for giving Tequila a second shot at life! We know he is in wonderful hands, has new furry friends and can look forward to a future filled with love […]

10 Nov, 2021

La vie est BELLE!!!

GIVE US A VOICE has amazing news to report: Belle is adopted! Poor Belle had a sad past – at 11 years old she was abandoned on the street. When she was brought to the shelter, it was obvious she had been severely neglected in her former life. She was also covered in fleas and […]

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