
About: giveusavoice

Recent Posts by giveusavoice

5 Dec, 2022

Floofy Jimmy finds big love!

GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to report that Jimmy is adopted! This poor guy was abandoned at a shelter because a breeder couldn’t sell him. Luckily, Jimmy got the second chance of a lifetime when he was adopted by the big-hearted Mme. Camelia Ichim. Now Jimmy is living the good life in a loving […]

1 Dec, 2022

Zoé gets the good life!

GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to announce that Zoé is adopted! This lovely little dog hit the jackpot when she was adopted by the wonderful Ms. Jasmine Pleimling. We would like to give Ms. Pleimling a big THANK YOU for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Zoé is living the good life […]

30 Nov, 2022

Life is beautiful for Bonita!

GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to announce that Bonita is adopted. This sweet little senior dog got the second chance of a lifetime when she was adopted by the big-hearted Mme. Myriam Hertert. We would like to give Mme. Hertert a big THANK YOU for her continued support and for, once again, deciding to […]

23 Nov, 2022

Life is Hopper with a dog

Did you hear the good news? Hopper is adopted! GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to the big-hearted Maes family for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Hopper is in wonderful hands and is clearly enjoying his new life and his new family. Hooray for Hooper!

22 Nov, 2022

And Dingo was his name-o!

GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to announce that Dingo is adopted! This beautiful boy was lucky enough to join the Da Conceição Neves family and get the second chance he deserves. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to this wonderful family for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Dingo […]

17 Nov, 2022

Life is a Ponyhof for Frusel!

GIVE US A VOICE is over the moon to announce that Frusel is adopted. This lovely girl came from a faraway shelter to Luxembourg. She was so scared that it took us a few days to even be able to touch her. But slowly, she came around and developed into such a wonderful and special […]

15 Nov, 2022

Yahoo for Blu!

GIVE US A VOICE is thrilled to announce that Blu is adopted! This pretty kitty was lucky enough to join the wonderful the Crisp family where she was welcomed with open arms. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to this big-hearted, animal-loving family for their continued support and for deciding to adopt […]

15 Nov, 2022

Ollie steals hearts and finds a home!

Great news: Ollie is adopted! This little guy ended up in the shelter as an unwanted pet. The poor thing was so sad and neglected. Thankfully, he got the second chance of a lifetime when he was adopted the big-hearted Mme. Amy Park who decided to welcome him home with open arms. GIVE US A […]

9 Nov, 2022

Big love for Bianca!

Great news: Bianca is adopted! GIVE US A VOICE would like to give a big THANK YOU to the wonderful Feil family for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Bianca is loving her second chance at life and can look forward to many years of happiness. Hooray for Bianca!

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