And the Oskar goes too….a wonderful family!

6 Sep, 2024

And the Oskar goes too….a wonderful family!

GIVE US A VOICE is pleased to announce that Oskar is adopted! This poor little dog was dragged from spot to spot, used by an organized group of street beggars to get money from people. Fortunately, we were able to get him out of that awful situation and get him the care he needed. Oskar’s luck got even better when we managed to find him a forever, loving home! We would like to give a big THANK YOU to the lovely Weyland-Majeres family for deciding to adopt and not shop. We know Oskar and can look forward to long, happy life filled with love. Hooray for Oskar!


We would also like to give a big THANK YOU to the Diogo family for providing a loving foster home until a forever home could be found. We are extremely grateful for their continued support!